(Yahshua Light of the World)
What We Believe and Teach
We Believe:
1. Yahweh is one: Debarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4, "Hear O' Yisrael, Yahweh our Elohim, Yahweh is one (a unity)."MattithYah (Matthew) 4:10; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6.
2. Yahshua is the Promised Messiah: Bereshith (Genesis) 3:15; YeshaYah (Isaiah) 7:14; 49:5; 53:3-6; Mikah 5:2; MattithYah (Matthew) 1:18,21; 2:1-2,11; Luke 2:10-24.
3. Yahshua came in the flesh: Yohanan (John) 16:28-30; 1 Yohanan (1 John) 2:22-23; Tehill (Psalm) 2; YeshaYah (Isaiah) 44:6; Revelation 22:13. He was born of a virgin: YeshaYah (Isaiah) 7:14; MattithYah (Matthew) 1:18-23; Luke 1:26-38.
4. The Promise of Salvation is a gift of Yahweh to those who accept Yahshua as Messiah: Yohanan (John) 3:16; 6:68-69; Romans 10:9-14; 1 Yohanan (1 John) 3:23.
When we accept Yahshua as our Messiah, we then have the assurance of our salvation: MattithYah (Matthew) 24:13.
5. The Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) is given to those who obey: Acts 5:32.
6. We demonstrate our love for Almighty Yahweh and Messiah Yahshua through the keeping of His Commandments, and this will be our righteousness: Debarim (Deuteronomy) 6:25; Yohanan (John) 14:15; 1 Yohanan (1 John) 2:3-4; 3:4, 10, 22-24; 5:3; 2 Yohanan (2 John) 6.
7. That Yahshua came to establish Torah (The Law) — not do away with it: MattithYah (Matthew) 5:17-20. The Torah is the sole authority for all peoples, be they Jew, Israelite, or Gentile: Shemoth (Exodus) 12:49; Bemidbar (Numbers) 15:15; Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 24:22. Torah will govern the Kingdom: Mikah 4:1-2.
8. Sin is defined as the transgression of the Torah: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 4:2, 13, 27; 1 Yohanan (1 John) 3:4. Being set free from the bond of sin means accepting the shed blood (Blood Atonement) of Yahshua our Messiah and living in harmony with the Torah of Yahweh: Mikah 6:6-8, 1 Yohanan (1 John) 2:2; Ephesians 1:6-7. Ibrim (Hebrews) 10:26-31.
9. The TaNaKh (Old Testament) is the basis of the Brit Chadasha (New Testament): MattithYah (Matthew) 4:4; Yohanan (John) 5:39, 46-47; Luke 24:44-46; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; YeshaYah (Isaiah) 8:16, 20. The TaNaKh and Brit Chadasha are one complete Book: Yohanan (John) 10:35; 2 Kefa (2 Peter) 3:16.
10. The Name of our Heavenly Father is Yahweh and the Name of His Son is Yahshua (meaning 'Yahweh is Salvation'). These two Names must be used by all who believe. Shemoth (Exodus) 3:15; YeshaYah (Isaiah) 42:8; Yoel (Joel) 2:26; Acts 4:12. Using substitute names or titles for the Almighty is strictly forbidden and the practice will come to an end: Shemoth (Exodus) 20:7; Debarim (Deuteronomy) 5:11; Shemoth (Exodus) 23:13, Yehoshua (Joshua) 23:7; Hoshea 2:16-17; ZekarYah 13:2, 9; 14:9; Malaki 1:11; 2:2; 4:2. Yahshua made known His Father's name: Tehill (Psalm) 22:22; Yohanan (John) 17:6, 11, 26; Ibrim (Hebrews) 2:12. Using Yahweh's Name unifies believers: Yohanan (John) 17:11 (b).
11. The Seventh Day (Commonly called Saturday) is the true, Scriptural Shabbat and is to be observed by believers today: Shemoth (Exodus) 20:8-11; Debarim (Deuteronomy) 5:15; Ibrim (Hebrews) 4:9. The Shabbat is a perpetual (never ending) statute and a Sign identifying believers: Shemoth (Exodus) 31:13, 17; Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:3 (See the endings of verses 14, 21, 31, 41, and 43). Like all Scriptural days, the Shabbat begins and ends at sundown. This means we begin Shabbat at sundown on the sixth day of the week (Friday) and Shabbat ends at sundown on the Seventh day (Saturday). Bereshith 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31; Nehemiah 13:19; Mark 1:29-32. The Shabbat is to be kept by all peoples of the earth: YeshaYah (Isaiah) 56:4-7. The Shabbat will be kept by all peoples in the Kingdom of Yahweh: YeshaYah (Isaiah) 66:23. To keep the Shabbat properly, servile (self-serving) work should not be engaged in: Wayyiqra 23:3. Cooking and baking are to be avoided on Shabbat: Shemoth (Exodus) 16:23. Buying and selling are to be avoided on Shabbat: Nehemiah 13:15-22.
12. That the Memorial Emblems should be observed as a separate observance from the Days of Unleavened Bread. The day commemorates the Death of our Messiah. The Day should be observed on the evening of the 14 of the First Scriptural Month: Shemoth (Exodus) 12:3-14; Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:16; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; 11:23. Unleavened bread must be eaten as part of the Passover emblems: Debarim (Deuteronomy) 16:3-4. The service includes a ceremonial footwashing: Yohanan (John) 13:1-9. The Passover observance takes place on the following evening (Abib 15) and marks the beginning of the Days of Unleavened Bread: Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, Yohanan (John) 19:31, 42. All males taking part in the Passover service should be circumcised in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant: Shemoth (Exodus) 12:43-44, 48.
13. The first and last days of Unleavened Bread are High Holy Days and commanded convocations. During this time unleavened bread may be the only bread eaten and all products containing leaven should be purged from believers' homes. Shemoth 23:18; MattithYah (Matthew) 16:12; Mark 8:14-15; Luke 12:1; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; 10:16. The High Days are times of worship for Yahweh's people: Shemoth (Exodus) 12:15-20; Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:17-25; Acts 20:6-7.
14. Shavuoth (Pentecost) is a High Holy Day, a time of commanded convocation, and is determined by counting for a period of 50 days from the day after the weekly Shabbat following the first High Day of Unleavened Bread. Therefore Shavuoth is observed on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:9-21. Shavouth commemorates the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) on First Century Messianic believers: Acts 2.*
15. Yom Teruah (commonly called Rosh HaShannah), the Feast of Trumpets, is a High Holy Day, a time of commanded convocation, a perpetual statute: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:23-24.
16. Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) is a High Holy Day, a commanded convocation, a perpetual statute: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:27-32.. Yom Kippur is a day of fasting from food and drink: Tehillim (Psalms) 35:13; 69:10; Acts 10:30; 1 Corinthians 7:5.
17. Succoth (The Feast of Tabernacles) is a commanded convocation observed as an eight-day Feast, with the first and last days as High Holy Days: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:34-39; Yohanan 7:1-39. The last day of Succoth is known as Shemani Atzareth (The Last Great Day): Wayyiqra 23:36; Yohanan (John) 7:37; Succoth will be observed by all in the Kingdom of Yahweh on earth: ZeckarYah 14:16-21.
18. The minor Festival of Chanukkah should be observed by believers today. It was observed by Yahshua the Messiah: Yohanan (John) 10:22-23. With the exception of the weekly Shabbat, the eight days of Chanukkah are not kept as High Holy days, and members may work or conduct routine activities.
19. The minor Festival of Purim should be observed as a memorial to the victory, granted by the grace of Yahweh, to the Yahudim (The Jews), and by extension to Kol Yisrael (all Israel), over evil-doers: Esther 9:30-32
The months of the Hebrew (Scriptural) calendar are determined by the New Moon
(Rosh Chodesh). To promote consistency and unity
21. The Two House Message, the eventual reunification of the House of Israel and the House of Judah, is seeing fulfillment in this age and will be completely fulfilled when the Kingdom of Yahweh is established on this earth. Israel (Ephrayim) was destined to be scattered among the nations of the world: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 26:38-39; Hoshea 7:8. They would forget the Torah of Yahweh and regard it as strange: Hoshea 8:12. The House of Israel (Ephrayim) will be reunited with the House of Judah (The Yahudim or the Jews): Yehezkel (Ezekiel) 37:16-27. Gentiles will share in Ephrayim's blessings: Yehezqel 37:28. A reunited House of Israel will again learn Torah from the House of Judah, and recognize Yahshua as the Supreme Kohen HaGadol (High Priest) and Torah Teacher: ZecharYah 8:22-23.
22. The end-time congregation of true worshippers will accept Yahshua as the true Messiah and they will be Commandment keepers (Torah Observant): Revelation 12:17, 14:12.
23. The Kingdom of Yahweh will be established on this physical earth: YeshaYah (Isaiah) 66, ZekarYah 14, Revelation 21, 22. The Kingdom will be a time of unparalleled, true and lasting Peace on Earth: YeshaYah (Isaiah) 10:6-13.
24. That believers should be immersed in water (Mikvah), as was Messiah Yahshua: MattithYah (Matthew) 3:11-17. We believe this means complete immersion, one time, backwards (symbolizing a burial of our old nature) in the Name of Yahshua: Acts 2:38; 22:16. (Exceptions are made for those with serious physical disabilities, health problems or other limitations).
25. Tithes and offerings are the Scriptural way to support the ministry and outreach programs of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam. Malaki (Malachi) 3:8-12. Tithing is not a requirement for membership nor is it a test of fellowship.
26. Believers should strive to follow the Clean Food (Dietary) Laws: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 11; Debarim (Deuteronomy) 14. We must appear before Almighty at all times in a clean state, both physically and spiritually. **
27. The ultimate fate of the wicked is complete destruction in the Lake of Fire (Gehenna): Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14-15; 21:8. The evil one, known as ha-s.a.tan (satan) or the devil, is a real and literal being who will also be destroyed at the end of the Millennial (1,000 year) reign: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 26:20-21. We reject the idea of eternal suffering in an ever-burning hell as a doctrine foreign to Scripture.
28. Racial or ethnic discrimination of any kind is contrary to Scripture. The extended Mishpohat (family) of Kol Yisrael (All Israel) includes peoples of all racial and ethnic backgrounds and each individual must be treated with respect, equality and love: YeshaYah 56:3-8.
Miscellaneous: We believe that belonging to Yahshua Ohr HaOlam Messianic Israelite Synagogue is a two-way commitment. It is a great privilege that carries with it a responsibility. Application for membership is a serious step that must be prepared for with prayer and study. No fee of any kind is charged for membership. Members should expect the Synagogue to be a place of learning the truth of the Sacred Scriptures — a 'Beit HaMidrash,' or House of Learning. Members of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam have the right to expect sound teaching (doctrine) expounded in an atmosphere of love and understanding. They have the right to expect that the leadership of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam will not tolerate sin or false doctrine, but will vigorously defend the faith.
We also believe that members and people of goodwill should aid the work by witnessing the truths they learn to others in an acceptable manner, 1 Kefa (1 Peter) 3:15, MattithYah (Matthew) 28:19, and by inviting others to share in our services and outreach programs. All people of goodwill are welcome at Yahshua Ohr HaOlam's services and other functions. We believe that members and those who love the work should voluntarily take it upon themselves to support the work, both financially and through volunteer service when possible. No monetary collections are taken at services. Donations, free-will offerings and tithes should be deposited in the Tzedekah (Righteousness) box. A full accounting of all funds received in the form of a financial statement will be given to members annually, along with a yearly individual receipt for tithes and offerings. (The latter upon request).
The best witness members can give to those outside the faith is to live a converted life, one indicative of repentance, a changed heart, and evidencing the Fruits of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23. Any differences between members should be resolved according to MattithYah (Matthew) 18:15-17. MattithYah 18: 15-17 is also the Scriptural way to deal with any brother or sister who may be walking disorderly or contrary to Scripture. Everyone should strive to avoid la-shon hara (the evil tongue) meaning that they must refrain from gossip or any talk (even if true) or action that could hurt others. An exception is made when it is necessary to correct those who stray, again: MatithYah (Matthew) 18:15-17. The true spirit of love must prevail in our relationship with others, both inside and outside the congregation..
Any doctrinal disagreement should be discussed with the leadership, starting with the Rabbi or Rosh Zaken (Head Elder). If a member disagrees with any point in the Statement of Doctrine they are welcome to submit their case to the leadership, starting with the Rabbi or Rosh Zaken. Members may be asked to submit their views in writing for a unbiased review by a doctrinal review committee.
Unmarried members who wish to marry should seek out a suitable mate who is in harmony and agreement with the Statement of Doctrine and the lifestyle standards of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam. Debarim (Deuteronomy) 7:2-4; Amos 3:3.
It is not the aim of the leadership of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam to tell anyone how to live, but simply to preach and teach the truth. The application of Scripture is a matter of individual responsibility.
Members should strive to live at peace with those around them, avoiding strife and violence: Romans 12:18. However, this does not preclude the fact that believers have a Scriptural right to defend themselves, their families, homes and businesses from evil doers (criminals) when necessary: Luke 22:36, 38.
We believe and teach that proper attire should be worn to all functions of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam. Modest dress is never out of place. We believe that both men and women should have head coverings and that men should wear the Tallith (Prayer Shawl) Tehill (Psalm) 103:2. (Wearing the Tallith is optional for women). The Proper Tallith will have the Tzith-Tzith with Techeleth (blue cord) attached: Bemidbar (Numbers) 15:38-40; Debarim (Deuteronomy) 22:12. (However: We do not force this belief on any who have not proven it to themselves and wearing the Holy Garments is not required at services). EXCEPTION: A woman selected for lighting the candles for Shabbat, New Moon or High Day services must wear a headcovering while kindling the lights and reciting the blessing. Men who are asked to give Bracha (Traditional blessing over the bread and wine), open the Torah, read Torah or Haftorah, the opening Tehill (Psalm), or who give exhortation (message-sermon) must wear a kippah or other acceptable headcovering and wear the tallith (prayer shawl). (We do not believe it is improper to wear the tallith after sundown). Anyone conducting Scripture studies, teaching workshops or children's classes must also don a headcovering while teaching.
Finally, to exemplify the true spirit of love, members may greet each other with the Holy Kiss, Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26; 1 Kefa (1 Peter) 5:14. However, an embrace or an appropriate handshake should be used when a person is ill with a cold, flu or similar ailment. Ladies who are having their monthly cycles (Niddah) should refrain from the Holy Kiss, shaking hands or embracing. With the exception of close family members, members of the opposite sex should limit greetings to handshakes.
In all doctrinal disputes or disputes between members, members should agree to submit to the final authority of the Rabbi or Rosh Zaken or a board of Zakenim (Elders): Ibrim (Hebrews) 13:17.
Questions or comments regarding this Statement of Doctrine should be addressed to the Rabbi or Rosh Zaken. May Almighty Yahweh bless all who love the truth. Yahshua Ohr HaOlam is an affiliate congregation of the Union of Two House Messianic Congregations, PO Box 414068, Miami Beach, FL 33141. We are unreservedly committed to the exclusive use of the Sacred Names of Yahweh and Yahshua, believing that Yahshua is the promised Messiah of Israel, the Two House Message, and complete Torah Observance. For additional information about Yahshua Ohr HaOlam, meeting times and place(s) call (724)
545-YHWH, or e-mail: yoel@arm-tek.net.
While Yahshua Ohr HaOlam observes Shavuoth (Pentecost) according to the
Pharasaic method (starting our count of 50 days from the day following the first
high day of Chag Hamatzoh (Feast of Unleavened Bread), we recognize that some
congregations in the Union of Two House Messianic Congregations may elect to
follow the Sadducean method, and begin their count on the day following the
first weekly Shabbat that follows Chag HaMatzoh. It is not our intention to be
contentious regarding this issue and we respect the local halacah of other
congregations that hold to another count.
** While we do not follow the Rabbinical practice of forbidding the consumption of meat and dairy products at the same
meal, Bereshith (Genesis) 18:6-8, we will make provisions at special Feast day
meetings to accommodate anyone who wishes to follow this practice.