In Debarim (Deuteronomy) 6:9 and 11:20 we are commanded to write the words Yahweh Commanded us "...on the door posts of your house and on your gates."
One way to fulfill this Mitzvah (Commandment) is to place a small rectangular box called a Mezzuah on our door frames. While the Mezzuah itself isn't specifically mentioned in Scripture, it was devised as a way for believers to fulfill (carry out) this covenant instruction of Almighty Yahweh. You may notice a Mezzuah on the door frame of every observant Jewish house. Archeological evidence indicates that Mezzuoth (Plural of Mezzuah) were in common use as far back as the Second Temple period. There is little doubt that a Mezzuah adorned the home of virtually every character we read of in the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) including the home of Joseph and Miriam, the foster father and mother of Yahshua Messiah.
A Mezzuah is a rectangular box that may be made of metal, wood, porcelain, plastic or virtually any material that is kosher, inside of which is a (Kosher) scroll called a Klef. The Klef contains Scriptures from Debarim (Deuteronomy) chapters 6 and 11.
Having a Mezzuah affixed to the door frame of our home means that we have partaken of a special covenant that Yahweh made with His people. We confirm our acceptance of that covenant, and the Mezzuah bears a silent but powerful witness to all who enter through our doors that we are people who are in submission to Yahweh's Covenant Torah.
A Mezzuah is a great way to "break the ice," so to speak and open an opportunity to witness the truth. We must, as Kefa (Peter) said, "Be ready to give an answer to any man who asks a reason of the hope that is within us." The Mezzuah affords every visitor to our home an opportunity to ask of our beliefs.
We are pleased to offer our viewers a genuine, colorful, metal-case Mezzuah, complete with Klef (Scroll) for only $9.95 postpaid. Give the silent witness of faith to all who enter through the doors of your home or place of business. (In our home we have a Mezzuah on every door of the house with the exception of the bathroom). A blessing for attaching the Mezzuah is included with every order. The Mezzuah should be affixed to the right side of the door frame as you enter the house and the top should be cocked at a slight angle pointing inward toward the house. NOTE: The Mezzuah you receive may not be exactly as pictured. |
To order your Mezzuah, send check or money order for $9.95 to: Yahshua Ohr HaOlam, RD6 Box 122A, Kittanning, PA 16201