Yahshua Ohr HaOlam has no full-time or paid ministry. Most of the literature we offer is free of charge, yet we do incur routine expenses such as printing, postage, paper, envelopes and related items. (As you can imagine, postage is a big part of our expenses). The Rosh Zaken (Head Elder) and his wife and family give freely of their time, effort and personal income to support this ministry. If you are not a member of Yahshua Ohr HaOlam but appreciate this website and the teachings you have found here, there are two ways you can help support this ministry. The first way is to send a freewill offering to help us with literature and website expenses. The second way is to take advantage of special offers we make available. One special offer is Lew White's book Fossilized Customs to our website viewers. (We cannot offer this book free of charge because we have incurred an obligation to the publisher). In case you're not familiar with brother White's book, Fossilized Customs takes up where Hislop's The Two Babylons and Woodrow's The Babylonian Mystery Religions leave off. In short, Fossilized Customs is a must for every believer's library.
You may order Fossilized Customs from us at only $5 per copy, postpaid. Or three copies for $12, postpaid.
Also, every observant home should have a mezuzah attached to the door frame. See our article: Mezzuah, Sign of Faith. After reading this article you may wish to fulfill Yahweh's Command found in Debarim (Deuteronomy 6:9 and 11:20. We offer a beautiful Mezuzah at a true bargain price.
Order Fossilized Customs from: Yahshua Ohr HaOlam,